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Davis Vantage Pro2+ Weather Station
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Welcome to Headcorns Live Weather Site established in 2005. Local weather data is collected using a Davis Vantage Pro2+ Weather Station and processed using Ambients Virtual Weather Station software. Data is time stamped, generally updated every few minutes and subsequently made available on this site as well as the weather underground, hamweather and APRS servers worldwide. Live instrument data is published via the flash interface and shows near real-time weather info. New sensors installed here also provide local Solar Radiation & UV Index data:

Headcorn Aerodrome

UV Index: 1.3 (High: 1.3 @ 11:33) Solar Radiation: 489 W/sqm

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UV Forecast

The 4MP XHD colour Weather Webcam updates every 5 seconds with a timelapse movie displayed on the same page. Various Weather Webcams around the UK are also available for viewing in near real-time. Check out the Satellite Animation and Rain Radar Page showing Satellite Imagery and near live data as to where the rain is falling across the UK. Current weather maps and charts are also included as well as the Twitter Site @headcornweather - follow us today for the latest weather tweets including Daily Forecasts for Headcorn generally issued between 6 and 9am.

Lightning Detection System installed with excellent coverage.      Check out the Live Lightning Pages.

Mirror Server also available at www.headcornweather.org

Headcorn Weather Mobile Site

Headcorn Weather Mobile

Headcorn Weather is now Provided via VFAST WiMax (Wireless) Broadband - Upto 24 meg Broadband with no phone line required! See the VFAST Internet page for details and Promo Code. Check availability for your postcode.

Vist Headcorn  - Villiage Links

This weather station is entirely personally funded and is provided free of charge. Please consider making a small donation towards its upkeep by clicking on the donate button to make a secure online payment however small via pay pal credit card payments. Any donations will be gratefully received and put towards improving this service in future. Alternatively why not sign-up FREE to our Cash-Back site, support us and earn generous cash-back on thousands of UK internet purchases.

Up to 8Mb broadband, now with broadband phone calls. From only £9.99 per month - terms apply. PlusNet broadband.
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